In the last board meeting of Hidco, held on 24 November 2015, it was decided that effective Sunday 3rd January 2016, every Sunday of 2016 at 6pm there will be a theatre / play/ drama staged at Rabindra Tirtha. Tickets will be priced at Rs 100 and Rs 150. Thus, like Nazrul Tirtha for films, where regular film shows are held every day, in Rabindra Tirtha too, all Sundays of 2016 will have plays for people to see. Perhaps the first of its kind. Hon'ble MIC Bratya Basu will hold a press meet on this on 23rd December 2015.

In yesterday's seminar of architects, I mentioned briefly of the syndrome of vacant towns of China. New gleaming towns have been built over the last decade all over China but many are lying mostly vacant as people do not move in without an urban eco-system, without schools, hospitals, markets, cinemas, theatres, public transport, festivals etc. Indeed, it is often said that the 3Es (Education, Employment and Entertainment) pull people to cities. Which is why at New Town we are painstakingly trying to create a social-cultural-entertainment focus (in addition to the financial & legal hub, education & health hub and an IT & ITeS hub), we are trying to bring life into the city and make it the preferred city with a smart work-life balance. This explains why we spend great efforts at putting up movie halls, theatre shows, cultural programmes, eco park, children's parks, seniors' park, food festivals, upasana sthal, tea lounge, convention centre, open air amphitheatre, yoga classes, Mother's Wax Museum, eco urban village, Cafe Ekante fine dining, floating Cafe Ekante Restaurant with candlelight dinner, Christmas Festival (look out for 24 December 2016 onwards), angling, golfing, car racing (look out for Jan 10, 2016), cycling (look out for 24 January 2016), rowing (look out for February 2016) and mega cultural events like SaReGaMaPa by Zee Bangla (tomorrow Sunday; Hidco is venue partner, will take place at Eco Park).
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Attended DoBig Seminar at Taj. A pic:
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Bartaman dt 18 Dec 2015 |
Khabar 365 dt 19 December 2015 |
Salt Lake Telegraph dt 18 December 205 |