The Consultants UMTC (Urban Mass Transit Company) of Delhi - a joint venture with MoUD, Govt of India & ILFS - met me day before yesterday. I'd called for a review They made a presentation. I outlined my priorities (a) strategy and plan for LRT in AA-III/II from Metro alignment with extension to Salt Lake / EM by pass (b) IPT - individual public transport - options using green technology (c) rationalisation of routes of buses through New Town.
Here is an IPT option that I liked:
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There have been several reports/ photographs on Rabindra Tirtha inauguration by CM yesterday. We will make a compilation. Meanwhile, here are three clippings:
Sakalbela dated 8.8.2012 |
why can't we have Bicycle as individual public transport? Combining bycycle with other public transport within Newtown will not only make city greener but also reduce the parking requirement and also promote URBAN CYCLING.
ReplyDeleteI have a few issues with cycling in Kolkata (a) it rains from June to September and it is hot , and so no raincoats will work (b) with an aging population, cycling is not an option for many - especially women and the elderly (c) sarees, dhoti etc are prone to foul with the chain and are unsuitable.
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, cycle rickshaws are perhaps better as non- motorized transport
You are right but NO to cycle rickshaw in present format because in a planned new city like NEWTOWN we don't want shabby cycle rickshw, whims of cycle rickshaw puller.....How about cycle rickshaw with ownership of an agency like CAB SERVICE(Meru etc).... One more thing(if possible) you can have BiCycle track in road and also dedicated parking space in commercial zone for Bi cycle ......Those who wish can use....I believe encouragement from your side will make difference.
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with Mr. Sen's view. Bi-Cycle tracks are good concept and may be working at many places - but local factors should drive the decision.
ReplyDeleteMay be someone can enlighten us on success of Bi-cycle routes in other Indian cities that got some encouragement under JNURAM.
However, at the least, we need a separate lane for low-speed transport to avoid slowing down of traffic. Also, please do not ignore shared mode of transport where 3-5 people can share. We do not want an unmanaged and polluting shared auto-rickshaws like now. However, a better managed shared transport for small distance travel would save money and time for people with better frequencies.
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ReplyDeleteMr Sen, I have been reading your blog regularly and must complement you for the impressive work that you are doing in New Town. I used to live in Davis, California which is widely considered as the bike capital of the United States. I strongly support Mr Saha's ideas. Believe me, there can be a quiet revolution if you allow bike tracks at a small fraction of the road's width in New Town parallel to every road. Also, Bike racks to lock bikes in as many places as possible including all the big complexes and buildings that are coming up in New Town. And why follow other Indian cities? Let New Town set the trend under your leadership!