Monday, March 17, 2014


Almost exactly a year ago, I'd noticed the Asian Cherry Blossoms in New Town. I'd posted a post too (Please see )
A comment from someone who had been staying in Japan for a year indicated that in Japan, Cherry Blossoms are called Sakura.

Here are few pics of Sakura that I took yesterday very near Rabindra Tirtha. Yesterday was Dol. Are Sakuras the equivalent of Palas in Bengal? Who knows?

Sakura=Cherry Blossom=Palas?

* * *
Sale of brochures for shop / stall allotment in three markets in New Town started today. All brochures were sold off in the morning itself. Reprints have been ordered.
For more details, see


  1. Can we just ensure that these shops go to the hawkers in New Town? We can create a plan to relocate these hawkers through these markets and see to it that the vacant spaces ( created through the relocation) are not filled up again?

  2. Really beautiful looking Cherry Blossom. Trees are very important part of beautification.

  3. Orange trees ,pink red trees in Kolkata are too good

  4. The bright orange Palash flowers also bloom around this time of the year. It would be great if NKDA plants some Palash trees along the sub-arterial roads (for the sake of variety)..
    more info on Palash here -

  5. My Indonesian friend Herman Pongantung - whom I'd met in France while learning French in Cavilam, Vichy, France, has also posted some similar pictures and has commented as follows in facebook: I'd asked if those flowers were called Cherry Blossoms:
    "yes! which is sometimes called sakura after the Japanese, many of the varieties that have been culitved, not produce fruit.- fleurs de cerisier en français.."
