Hon'ble CM on 1st July at the North 24-Paraganas district meeting asked officials and chairpersons present to be innovative in beautifying, greening and cleaning cities of the state. Today morning I discussed an interesting concept with Vodafone. By rewarding people to use garbage-vats by giving free talk time (say 5 minutes' talk time) to anyone who uses the bin. How will it work? Anyone opening the lid and throwing something into the bin will switch on a small key pad on which the mobile number of the person can be keyed in. This will auto-send an SMS to Vodafone who will give x minutes' talktime free to the user mobile. We also talked about an emergency red button on light-posts in Eco Park which, when pressed, will give a silent alert to the nearest Eco Park Office and Police Camp with location: this will make Eco Park safer for visitors. A CCTV located nearby would prevent misuse of the alert button.
Incidentally, Airtel has already agreed to install free Wi Fi in Mothers' Wax Museum for allowing selfies to be instantly uploaded by WhatsApp etc.
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HT dt 4 July 2016 |
Khabar 365 dt 4 July 2016 |
Khabar 365 dt 4 July 2016 |
Asian Age dt 4 July 2016 |
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