Here is the one-page document that I gave to Govt of India during the national conference at Vigyan Bhavan on 2nd July 2014:
I, with the help of Pritam Thakur and Subhankar Debnath, listed out the initiatives already taken up in New Town towards becoming a Smart, Green City. Here are some of these:
1. Vehicle Tracking System for Solid Waste Management: Waste collecting vehicles in New Town are under a Vehicle Tracking system. The movement and location of the vehicles can be viewed internally on webpage. Mechanical Sweepers will soon be under VTS too.
2. Online Building Plan Sanction: NKDA approves building plans on-line. Plans are scrutnised through software and observations are given through email/ sms. Digital Signature based building permission along with sanctioned drawings are sent to applicant through email.
3. Smart Car Parking Fee: Hand-held terminals are used by NKDA in designated parking lots to accurately levy correct fee and prevent loss of revenue.
4. SMS Information: Rabindra Tirtha events and other information are routinely sent to interested citizens through SMS.
5. Mobile based grievances: An Android-based m-Grievance application has been launched on Google Play Store which can be downloaded free. Pictures of problems like accident site etc an be geo-referenced and sent to the map in the website.
6. Solar City: New Town is a Solar City and many programs are being undertaken to reduce dependence on fossil fuels such as use of energy efficient LED in street lights, canal-top solar energy generation (under preparation) etc.
7. Green Building: In collaboration with CII, one utility building is being so built as to make it Green Certified.
8. GIS: Entire New town in being covered by GIS enabled maps for proper planning and MIS.
9. Bio-metric Attendance: All officers of NKDA and Hidco record their attendance in office through bio-metric devices. Leave accounting is done accurately through computerised data at the end of each month.
10. File Tracking System: Hidco Bhavan is Wi Fi enabled and file tracking is done through a computerised system.
11. Social Networking: Facebook pages of WBHIDCO, Rabindra Tirtha and Eco Park are active. Many useful information are communicated through these.
12. Just Dial: Eco Park is present in JustDial to guide visitors, get directions and other information.
13. iCar Software: Internally developed with help of PMU, this software manages car billing system for all vehicles used in Hidco for ease of use and accurate monitoring.
14. Webcasting: All major public events in New Town are now webcasted. Any user throughout the globe can log in and see events (such as Basanta Utsav) in real time, live.
15. CCTV: For security and safety, Eco Park, Hidco Building etc are covered by CCTVs. Work for Eco Park is going on.
16. Optical Fibre Duct: Underground optical fibre duct has been laid throughout the New Town for laying OFC by users.
16, Wi Fi Corridor: Planning phase of Wi Fi Corridor along MAR has begun