We had set upon ourselves to complete construction of 176 flats for the Economically Weaker Section by Paila Baisakh. These are at Tarulia mouza on the outskirts of Action Area I of New Town. There were multiple issues that needed attention. The position of electric meters was a problem since now apparently rules discourage fixing of meters under the staircase - the usual position - on ground floor. The water pump needed to be located outside the campus. Some border disputes were delaying construction of bondary wall.
Little by little, these obstacles were removed and today when I visited the site with a team of engineers, I was told that the constructions were complete in all respects. Here is a photo:
After Alaka and Balaka, another 176 flats in New Town |
* * *
Here are two clippings from today's papers:
Anandabazar |
Telegraph Metro |
Mr Sen,
ReplyDeleteWhy dont we try using water bikes in Eco park, it will give a addtional attraction and very popular sports also.
Glad to see some more EWS flats getting ready. Thanks for the timely delivery for the people who need them most and this is what we always look forward for updates in your blogs.
ReplyDelete2 things I would like to say: Just ensure that these flats reach the proper beneficiaries and not the software engineers in benami name because they will use it to rent it out or sell it after 2-3 years. Just make a provision to stop selling these flats getting re-sold for 10 years and that would do wonders I believe. Also we need to see that the same person does not get flats in more than 1 different EWS projects. I personally know of such folks who got flats in more than 1 EWS project and sold them after 2-3 years.
Also we are not making almost ZERO progress on slum rehabilitation. Even Jharkhand is doing much more than us. Please take a look at the following report on slum rehabilitation in 5 cities in Jharkhand
Mumbai is doing it in PPP model with the help of multiple builders. We could NOT even think of these type of things. Please take a look at these 2 reports:
In a city like Kolkata with more than 30% of population living in slums, we need EWS Flats in TENS OF THOUSANDS and govt cant do this alone.
The resale of flats meant for EWS is a big problem.. almost everywhere they are being sold for hefty profits.. I think the only solution is to ensure that EWS flats go towards folks who really need them is to provide these on a long term lease/rent basis only instead of outright ownership. That way, there can be no benami transfers / purchases for profit.
DeleteMaybe after paying rent for 25-30 years, they can be provided a "purchase option".
Also, make the use of PAN card mandatory to avail of EWS flat facility, so that they can be stored in a database and duplicate use prevented.
In my point of view, this is really very well information given about 3bhk Flats at Behala near Chanditala, Kolkata, Saket Sadan. Thanks for providing this information in front of me.
ReplyDelete2 BHK Flats for Sale in Jadavpur Kolkata