Yesterday, I went to a place near Dhakuria railway station in South Kolkata. Anup Banerjee, Special Secretary, Debabrata Chattopadhyay Competent Authority (Urban Land Ceiling Branch) and Revenue Officer were with me. An area of 1,269 sq m (roughly 19 kottahs) was just vested to the State under section 10(3) of the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act 1976 on 1.5 2014 through notification numbers 185/D and 186/D dated 28.4.2014. I spoke to Asok Das, Secretary KIT to put up boundary wall on the property. Here is a photo of the precious property that was vested to the state:
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21 Telpara Lane, Kolkata 700031 |
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After the elections, we are back to breaking new ground for project works. 480 EWS flats in Tarulia in Action Area 1 were ready structure-wise but internal roads, boundary wall, water supply arrangements and sanitation works remain to be done. This started yesterday. A photo:
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Breaking the coconut while Mrinal Mukherji, CE and Suman
Neogi, GM look on |
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Hidco has just engaged the youngest consultant. Aged 18 years, Rishiraj Rateria studies in class 12, stays in Salt Lake and runs a GenX games parlour. I have just engaged him as an honorary Consultant (he refused to take any remuneration) to advise us how to make Eco Park more attractive to teenagers. A photo with im yesterday at Hidco Bhavan:
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With Rishiray Rateira: youngest honorary consultant of Govt |
Here is a clipping from today's Ebela: