Friday, March 18, 2016

Origin Destination for Solid Waste Management

To move towards a smart clean New Town, we are initiating several measures. Major streets are cleaned twice a day through mechanical sweepers whose activities are monitored through GIS applications. Compactors are used to collect solid waste from houses at predetermined times. Rs 50,000 fine has been proposed for illegal dumping of construction and demolition waste on streets that choke drainage. Rs 100 fine is imposed at Eco Park for littering.

Now we are analysing why certain pockets tend to get littered more than others. We also plan to use drones occasionally to keep an eye on pressure points like markets and bus stops.

An Origin-destination study (OD study is often used in transporation planning) indicates that, for example, a patch of land near Eco Space in Action Area 2 tends to get littered even after cleaning due to wastes from roadside food stalls that are situated at a distance of 200 m. While dealing with the issue of rehabilitating roadside food stalls is being taken up separately (design hackhathon will have a problem solve issue on this on 29 March) our officers from NKDA held meetings with shop owners and has persuaded them to keep bins and withholding wastes till a compactor solid waste truck comes at a time convenient to most stall owners every day. No one will dump solid waste anywhere other than on the compactor truck when it arrives. A supervisor has been posted to see that the agreed procedure is followed. I went there myself and talked to few persons on spot. Seems to work now. Afterward observing its progress we will see that all markets and roadside stalls also have a proper waste disposal mechanism.
Salt Lake Telegraph dt 18 March 2016

Khabar 365 dt 18 March 2016
Khabae 365 dt 17 March 2016

Millennium Post dt 14 March 2016 

Times of India dt 15 March 2016

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