Wednesday, February 26, 2014

LED Street Lights

The ground breaking for an LED streetlight project took place this afternoon. This will be for 25 km long path in Action Areas I and III. I requested Chief Engineer S P Chatterjee to start the work in 2-3 areas simultaneously and especially in Action Area IB where we'd received persistent requests for early installation. This will be a very big LED project and will save a considerable amount of energy costs and hence carbon footprint. A photo:
LED Streetlight Project Starts : 26.2.2014
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Two press clippings:
Anandabazar dt 26.2.2014

Ei Samay dt 26.2.2014

1 comment:

  1. Sir,

    Using LED Lights is very good move. Lots of green and futuristic initiative are seen in newtown. But mass usage of utilities are in other densely populated areas of Kolkata.

    An off-track topic. I request your kind attention if hand-pulled rickshaw can be phased out in Kolkata. It is painful to see in 21st century people are pulling rickshaw and probably one of the very few cities in the world. To phase it out over a period of time, Govt. should stop issuing new license for these rickshaw and may help to provide alternate jobs for them.
