Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gangasagar Development Authority

I went to Sagar Island today. I am on my way back, writing this on my laptop in the vehicle using a data card. I achieved three objectives:
(1) Saw the progress of the new GDA Cottage under construction. We decided on a target of 15 February. Here is a picture of the nearly-finished tourist cottage:
  (2) Inspected the beach area for identifying suitable spot for eco-tourism. Here is a photo of red crabs on the beach, the photo taken in zoom mode as they entered the holes as we approached:
(3) Had a meeting with local MLA, administration and engineers of the possibility of including Sagar island into the NGRBA scheme with focus on Solid Waste Management, Sewerage Treatment, Gas fired Crematoria and Beach Development. A concept note is to be prepared first and posed to MoEF. Here too we decided on a target date in February. Here is a photo of the launch we took to cross Muri Ganga river to reach Sagar island:

Today, a proposal to create a new Gangasagar Development Authority is likely to be considered by the State Govt. It is quite a coincidence that I went to Sagar today itself,
* * *
Here is a cutting from yesterday's Telegraph:
And a cutting from Bartaman of day before yesterday:
And finally, a cutting from Khabar 365:



  2. Good to see that finally a bus service would start right in front of Akankha; thanks Mr. Sen!

  3. Sincerely hope that you head the GDA.
    Sagar Island needs a task master like you. :-)

    1. Just noticed in website, SakalBela carried out a good review of the wooden cottage in Ganga Sagar as well as about your visit. It will be great Sir, if you can upload a scanned copy of the report.

  4. Sir,
    Its being a pleasure being here. Sir i spent 9yrs outside Kolkata due to my study and job and saw excellent bus services and bus terminus at Chennai and Bangalore and CMBT of Chennai is said to be the biggest in Asia why cant we build such a terminus at Kolkata having facility for both City and Long Distance services which will be a state of the art facility kindly consider my suggestion.

  5. Debashis da, The Bus Route from Akankha Newtown has stopped please make sure it will go on continuously I am not shifting due to lack of conveyance.


  6. Sir,
    After completion of my graduation from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya in Agriculture, I joined in Agrochemicals Sales job. I have visited several times in the Gangasagar, interestingly whenever I have visited the place, it feels like that I am visiting the area first time. The people, the culture, enormous possibilities in agriculture, the calm and peaceful environment of Gangasagar still make me sick.
    In recent days government as well as a good governance like you will make Gangasagar more attractive in respect of all the aspects. I hope you will be able to do a lots of development works in this island as it is under "Gangasagar Development Authority" headed by you.

  7. Thank you Sarojit. If you have specific observations, pl post. Also, we are going to add Bakkhali to Gangasagar

    1. Sir,
      Sorry for my late to reply you. If you give me permission, I want to send some pdf file regarding Agricultural development initiatives may be taken for Gangasagar.
      Please let me me know the way to send you the documents.
